Markwayne Mullin: Democrats Are Really Good At Talking In Emotion Not Reality

Oklahoma Republican Senator-elect Markwayne Mullin joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how Democrats like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg are not practicing what they preach when it comes to fighting climate change.

“They know that’s not feasible for us to even think about switching to 100 percent renewables. It’s not even possible. I mean, if you start looking at a comparison of what wind energy produces and solar produces, we’re only at roughly 30 percent of our energy need right now. And for us to be able to actually have enough energy to fit today’s need just by renewables, we’d have to have a landmass the size of Texas. Now, just think about that. One-hundred percent of the landmass of Texas would have to be covered in solar and wind just to replace what we have right now currently with  fossil fuels. So it’s not even feasible, but it’s not about the feasibility for them, it’s about a talking point. It’s an emotion. And that’s what the Democrats are really good at and what the Republicans are really bad at is Democrats talk in emotion, not reality. And emotion sells because the American people’s attention span is about nine seconds. And I’m just saying that people read the headlines. So emotion sell faster than facts.”

To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!