From Washington: The Greatest Long-Term Threat To America

This week, President Biden traveled overseas to Bali for the annual G20 Summit. While he was there, the President held a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping to discuss the relationship between the two countries. With high stakes tied to the economy and national security, many wonder whether or not the meeting will have any lasting impact in strengthening international ties. President of IRIS Independent Research and FOX News Contributor Dr. Rebecca Grant explains why the United States remains cautious of China and their relationship with Russia and North Korea.


A day after Republicans secured the 218 seats needed to take control of Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped down from her role as House Democratic Leader. As the party looks for new faces to fill leadership positions, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy seems to be on track to become the next House Speaker. Although he secured the GOP’s nomination, he still must acquire 218 votes in January to take on the title. FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram reflects on the legacy of Nancy Pelosi and explains why Minority Leader McCarthy still faces a challenge to acquire enough votes.