Rep. Jim Jordan: Kevin McCarthy Has Kept Our Team Together And Should Be The Next House Speaker

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to reveal whether he thinks any member of the GOP is going to challenge California Congressman Kevin McCarthy in his bid to become the next Speaker of the House.

“Well, I don’t think so. I mean, what I’ve said all along is, the guy who gets you to the Super Bowl, even if it’s a game in overtime, gets to coach the game, in my judgment. So I have not heard of anyone stepping forward and don’t necessarily anticipate that, but we’re focused on winning this thing. And I do think Kevin has kept our team together, particularly a couple of years ago when we had the whole impeachment fight. I always point out that during that fight, the conventional wisdom was going into it that every Democrat was going to vote to impeach the president and a bunch of Republicans were going to join them. And after we went through that long, hard debate and four months of it all, it was just the opposite. Every Republican voted not to and a bunch of Democrats joined us and one even switched parties. So, yeah, I think that’s how that plays out.”

Plus, Rep. Jordan shares his thoughts on the midterm election results, and tells Jimmy where he believes the bright spots were for Republicans. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!