We changed our clocks on Sunday and on Tuesday, we change our government!

Red wave here we come!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

It’s the week we’ve been waiting for since November of 2020, 2022 midterms are less than a day away and for the first time since July, fivethirtyeight polling indicates Republicans have over a 50% chance of Senate takeover and hold a 1.3-point advantage over Democrats on the generic congressional ballot!

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll shows 49% of Americans named the economy or inflation as the most important issue determining their vote for Congress, compared to 14% who said the same of abortion.

So this spells big trouble for Democrats who literally have nothing to campaign on beyond abortion and the Trump Derangement Syndrome they still suffer from.

And it’s not just Congress, Republicans are projected to have the upper hand in several gubernatorial races including Kari Lake in Arizona and Brian Kemp in Georgia.

Heck, the New York governor’s race might even shock us and go Republican for the first time since the late 90s!

The American people are waking up and I’m not talking about Daylight saving time!

Red wave incoming! Hold on!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at