Mike Lawler: Sean Patrick Maloney And The Democrats Are In For A Rude Awakening On Tuesday

Republican candidate for Congress in New York’s 17th District Mike Lawler joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts on President Biden’s divisive closing message to voters ahead of the midterm elections.

“How do you expect to unify people? How do you expect to move the country forward when you literally five days before an election, make a speech designed to attack half the population and not even tackle the issues that people are really grappling with, which is the cost of living and crime and our poorest Southern border with drugs pouring into our communities, killing 300 Americans a day, parents being called domestic terrorists for showing up at a school board meeting. I mean, this is insanity. And that’s why Democrats are in for a rude awakening on Tuesday. And our race is going to be the face of the red wave, because voters in the Hudson Valley, the immediate suburbs of New York City, they’ve suffered under one party rule for long enough. The Democrats control everything in Washington, Albany and New York City for the first time in our nation’s history, all at once. And they have created a mess.”

Plus, Mike discusses why his opponent, Democratic Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, would continue to be a rubber stamp for Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi radical agenda if he is reelected next week. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!