Pricey Halloween 

Halloween has a haunting price tag this year.

It’s spooky, it’s scary, it’s Brandon’s America where you get more tricks than treats!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Spoiler alert, your holidays are going to be more expensive this year. According to the labor department candy prices are up more than 13% from last year – the largest yearly increase ever recorded!

Americans are expected to spend about $100 on average, and I suspect many families will have to opt out altogether.

No family should have to choose between holiday supplies and making their mortgage payments, but here we are!

It’s awfully sad that things are so expensive, some kids won’t be able to take part in the simple joy of the holiday. Finally the pandemic is over, now this!

If you think it’s bad for Halloween, wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas come around! Now that is the scariest part of it all- giant BOO!

Halloween comes right before midterms, remember your pocketbook when you cast your vote!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at