Nancy Changes the “Inflation” Subject

Nancy Pelosi advises her fellow Democrats to “change the subject” when it comes to inflation.

Yeah’d like that wouldn’t you…too bad!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Midterms voters care most about inflation and the economy which is probably why Democrats don’t want to talk about or own up to either!

Speaker Pelosi admitted it on Sunday’s edition of CBS’ Face the Nation when she said when she hears people talk about inflation, the subject needs to be changed.

She also noted that other countries have higher inflation, as if that’s supposed to make cash-strapped and struggling Americans feel better..

Um, that’s a hard no, Nancy.

Still, Nancy feels confident about Democrats’ electoral chances in November, despite the fact that latest polls from even the New York Times indicate big gains for Republicans on November 8th, largely because Americans have more trust in the GOP to fix the economy and lower inflation. NO DUH!

Democrats are living on false promises and a prayer right now. In two short years they’ve managed to make everything worse from top to bottom and everywhere in between.

Unless you’re voting on wokeness, rainbows and butterflies, you’d be an idiot to keep checking the box “D” for Democrat.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at