ICYMI: Joe “DOT” Biden 

Our illustrious president read something incorrectly on his teleprompter again.

Let’s play another round of words with Joe, next.

Earlier this week our president Joe Biden delivered a speech- and I use the term “speech” loosely- on how to report student loan forgiveness fraud and surprise, surprise, he messed it up.

He told people to report to the government-run fraud website which is reportfraud.ftc.gov but instead of saying “dot” like a normal person, he proceeded to say “D” “O” “T.”

Come on, man! You’re killing us here! This is how oblivious Joe is WITH a teleprompter, can you imagine him WITHOUT one?

Well actually, I can because just the other day while licking an ice cream cone in Portland, unscripted and unprompted Joe told reporters our economy is “strong as hell.”

Strong as hell?! 40-year-high inflation over 8%, skyrocketing gas prices, a worker shortage and ongoing supply chain crisis is Joe’s definition of “strong as hell.”

Hear that average Americans struggling to afford groceries and keep up with interest rates…your ice cream cone president thinks things are going just swimmingly!

Boy, I sure hope we don’t see the day Joe has to admit the economy is in the crapper!

I swear we are being Punk’d because this all feels like a giant and cruel joke!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com