
PayPal is in hot water after posting an “error” to its new user policy and by “error” they mean…the backlash made them rethink their policy..

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Last weekend PayPal released its new “acceptable use policy” set to take effect on November 3rd. The policy addition stated users would be penalized for “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation” or “present a risk to user safety or wellbeing,”

And those in violation would be slapped with a $2,500 fine that would be taken directly from their PayPal account.

Well, that didn’t go over well with users who quickly started closing their accounts. So in PR cleanup, the company said the post was made “in error.” Sure.

But that didn’t stop hashtag #deletepaypal from trending and Google searches for “delete PayPal” spiked 1,392%.

Nice try, PayPal! We know exactly what you were trying to pull. Almost without fail, “misinformation” flagged by Big Tech is either conservative-leaning, vaccine critical or BOTH!

Newsflash, we don’t need big brother Big Tech telling us what information is safe to consume.

The censorship and punishment of TRUTH has to end, even if that threatens the Democrat Info Police!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com