Daniel Turner: The Biden Administration Doesn’t Understand How Energy Runs The Entire Economy

Founder and Executive Director of Power The Future Daniel Turner  joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how President Biden and his foreign policy experts made a significant miscalculation by relying on OPEC for oil production instead of tapping into the resources we have in the U.S.

“OPEC was created in 1970 for the sole purpose of destroying American oil and gas. That’s all they care about. They were created intentionally to put us out of business. All that’s kept us alive up till now is even bad presidents like Obama, all that’s kept us alive is presidents of this country knowing that we should be and could be the American oil and gas powerhouse of the world. So OPEC is never going to be our friend. OPEC is not our ally. When the Biden foreign policy team last week and a bunch of Democrats said, OPEC has chosen Russia. No, they haven’t. That’s like saying NATO picked France. Russia is OPEC. OPEC is Russia. They’re part of OPEC+. So it’s just so naïve. And again, remember in 2020, all these people told us, the Biden foreign policy experts, a team of experts. They’re all experts. They’re all so brilliant. And yet, they just get their rear ends handed to them every single time they step up to the plate.”

Plus, Daniel and Jimmy react to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s criticism of the Biden administration’s energy policies. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!