Extra: What Do You Do When A Hurricane Destroys Everything You Own?

Earlier this week, President Biden traveled to Florida to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Ian. Standing alongside Governor DeSantis, he promised aid and the full support of the federal government.

As Floridians recover from the devastation, many are wondering how and when they’ll be able to recover from the storm. And how red tape and bureaucracy could hinder those efforts.

Chief Resiliency Officer for One Concern and former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate joined Dave Anthony before the President’s visit to discuss what those impacted by Ian could expect next.

Throughout his career, Fugate has seen many homes and lives destroyed by storms and other natural disasters. He explained how the repercussions of these events can be felt for months and years after the media attention goes away. Tapping on his unique experience, Fugate offered his advice on how people can navigate FEMA, insurance companies, and contractors.

Fugate also emphasized why federal, state, and local officials need to get better at warning residents and encouraging them to evacuate.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversations in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire interview with former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and learn more about how people can best rebuild their lives after disaster strikes.