WHINY Students get NYU Professor FIRED

An NYU professor was fired for an incredibly stupid reason, even for 2022 standards.

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next!

An NYU Organic Chemistry professor was fired after 82 out of 350 of his students signed a petition against him.

And for what? Because his class was too hard, their grades were too low and they felt he didn’t adequately accommodate their COVID absences.

By the way, according to the professor this is not only untrue, but he spent $5k out of pocket to make videos of his lectures!

The professor is 84-years-old and has been teaching organic chemistry at the Ivy League level for decades and now he’s been canned because some whiny, entitled, quiet quitters don’t want to work so hard?

This is not just an abomination, it’s a sign of the times. These are the kind of young people society is raising, ones that feel so entitled and special they feel- and sadly do- have the power to end someone’s career with their laziness-inspired cancel culture.

These are the same young people, mind you, that think YOU AND I should foot the bill for their student loan debt.


I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com