Bill Melugin Responds To Attacks Against His Reporting At The Southern Border: ‘I’m Going To Keep Doing My Job’

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Bill Melugin, National correspondent for Fox News joined the Guy Benson Show to detail his latest reporting on the border and respond to attacks surrounding his border coverage reporting.

Melugin responded to the attacks against his reporting by saying,

“I know that some people want me to shut up, be a good boy, and ask the president about his ice cream instead of what we do down on the border. Right. What we’re showing every day is a direct contradiction to what we hear on that White House podium. They say the border is closed, secure. People aren’t walking across. Anybody with a pair of eyes knows that’s not true. And how do they know that? Because of the images we’re showing every single day. We’ve been doing it for a year and a half. They can say whatever they want about me. I don’t care. They can dig in to where I worked in college or the fact that I used to go by Billy when I was 19 years old. If they think that somehow waters down me or my reporting, they can think that. But we’re going to keep doing our job every single day as we have done, and just try to pull the curtain back and shine some light on what’s going down there or what’s going on down there.”

Melugin added,

“So they can say whatever they want about me, you know, go to media outlets to complain about me or try to, you know, tar me a little bit. I really don’t care. I’m going to keep doing my job. I’ve got a great team at the border. I love my guys. We’re going to keep doing the job. Everybody we go down there with, it’s an important job and we’re going to keep doing it here at Fox News.”