Joe Fibs about Gas Prices, Again

Once again Joe Biden is wrong about gas prices. Is he lying or just that unaware?

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

There are ZERO states with average gas prices under $3 a gas but that’s not what Joe Biden wants you to believe.

He attempted to pat himself on the back earlier this week at a DNC and word vomited that FALSE claim. Heck, even CNN fact-checked him!

But in reality, gas prices have been steadily increasing and are still $1.34 per gallon higher than when Joe took office.

Joe can’t make up his mind though because on that SAME day he blamed gas stations for prices and demanded they slash prices NOW!

Once again, Joe Brandon passes the buck.

Uh Joe, it’s YOUR energy and economic policies causing the pain at the pump! You can’t shut down pipelines and ramrod climate change initiatives through Congress and then expect fuel prices to drop enough to make a difference for average Americans!

This blame game is getting old and so are Joe’s lies, fibs, gaffes and half-truths!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at