Man who Beheaded CA Woman ALSO an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT!

The man who beheaded his ex-girlfriend in broad daylight in California last week is..wait for it… an illegal immigrant.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Jose Rafael Solano Landaeta was arrested and charged last week with the beheading of his ex-girlfriend outside her apartment building in San Carlos, California.

He “allegedly” decapitated her with a sword. She leaves behind two young daughters.

And if that wasn’t heinous enough, we know now thanks to immigration sources that Jose is an illegal immigrant. He entered the country from Venezuela on a tourist visa ten years ago and never left.

How could this be? Well don’t forget California is a sanctuary state that prevents local law enforcement from working with ICE to get these criminal aliens off the streets.

But it gets worse, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, not only did he allegedly beheaded his girlfriend, not only is he an illegal immigrant, he is also a criminal with a rap sheet that includes rape, a charge he served only 3 month probation for.

He remains in jail for this latest beheading offense, but given it’s California, who knows how long that’ll last!

Rest easy, Californians, your leaders are concerned with protecting and shielding..not you…but criminal aliens who commit disgusting crimes.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at