More Money to Ukraine

The Biden Administration- funded by the American taxpayer- is sending billions more to Ukraine.

At what point are we going to put AMERICA FIRST?!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Since Joe took office, the US has sent a whopping $15.2 billion dollars to Ukraine, after sending an additional $2 billion just this week.

This latest round of funding will go to propping up Ukraine’s military as well as to 18 other nations who may be threatened by Russia.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s great to help out our allies and bolster their efforts against Russia, but at what point are we gonna turn off the money spigot?

If y’all haven’t noticed, we’ve got quite a few problems here in the USA we could be tackling with our own hard-earned tax dollars.

And if we wanna talk about defending borders, when the heck are we gonna start with our own?

Since Biden took office, the population equivalent of Ireland has invaded our southern border and yet, this doesn’t seem to be a concern AT ALL for Democrats.

Enough sending our money overseas to defend other nations, start at home!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at