Sean Davis: The FBI Is The Federal Bureau Of Interference

Co-Founder and CEO of The Federalist Sean Davis joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why he believes the FBI cannot be trusted to be politically neutral in how their investigations are conducted.

“So let’s go back to 2016 where they let Hillary off the hook saying, oh, well, she didn’t intend to break all these laws. And remember, she was not the president at the time she did all this nonsense, having the authority to declassify this stuff. She was a completely crooked Secretary of State trying to get rich off her contacts. So Jim Comey rolls in and says, nah, she’s all good. Nobody will prosecute her. So that’s strike one. Then they come in and they start the entire stupid Russia collusion hoax based off of DNC opposition research generated by a literal Russian agent. That’s strike two. Then they do the whole stupid Mueller thing because Trump had the audacity to fire at the time the guy who was the most corrupt FBI Director going back to J. Edgar Hoover. So that’s strike three, because they were doing the 2018 election manipulation with that. Then let’s go to 2020, where they did the nonsense with the Hunter Biden stuff. And now here we are in Mar-a-Lago where they’re trying not to rig just the 2024 election by bouncing a candidate they don’t like, they’re trying to rig the 2022 election by taking off the campaign trail the biggest Republican get out the vote guy in history. This is what the FBI does. It’s the Federal Bureau of Interference.”

Sean also weighs in on President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!