Mob Comes After Sydney Sweeney

A popular young actress has the mob on her tail for a 60th birthday party she hosted for her mom.

Find out why the vultures are circling Sydney Sweeney, next!

Sydney Sweeney of “Euphoria” fame is getting blasted by the social media mob for a 60th hoedown themed birthday she threw for her mom.

So what’s the problem? Well her guests had what appeared to be MAGA-inspired hats that said “Make 60 Great Again” and one guest even dared to wear a “blue lives matter shirt!”

Oh the horror! Now the cancel culture mob is coming for Sweeney and her family, forcing her to make a social media statement directing the haters to “stop making assumptions” and reassuring them the birthday bash wasn’t intended to be a political statement.

It is utterly ridiculous that those on the Left are so intolerant and unloving they feel the need to shame others, and for a birthday party no less!

Newsflash leftists, half OR MORE of this country is made up of conservatives and/or Trump supporters and if the sight of that triggers you to such an extent, look away!

And to Sydney Sweeney I say, stand strong and NEVER bow to the blood-thirsty mob!

Happy Birthday to your mom. God bless and take care!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at