Heather Robinson: “We Have Priority Problem.” Vets Are Feeling Left Behind

NY Post contributor Heather Robinson recently spoke with eight veterans who served tours in Afghanistan. She shares their stories of heroism and details their reaction to the U.S. pulling troops out of Afghanistan a year ago. Heather joined Fox Across America to tell us how they feel…

“We have a priority problem. And one of the vets with whom I spoke, Neil Johnson Jr, a marine, a wonderful man who was in charge of helping train the Afghan army. He’s now dedicating himself to his fellow veterans here, homeless vets, trying to get them resources. So, yes, I think that that emerged as well. This sense that whether we’re talking about, number one, our own American people and also we’re talking about allies of America, people who showed in Afghanistan through risking their lives, that they were on our side of this and shared our values. These veterans feel that this administration has not prioritized helping those people, helping our American citizens first and second, those who stood with us. You know, we seem to have a heart for a lot of people, around the world, but it seems like it would make sense. You know, according to them, to start with, the people who’ve stood with us and with us, our own people who need support. “

To hear what else she had to say, listen to the podcast! You can also read Heather’s feature piece HERE