Our Students Are Way Behind. Dana Perino Looks At Reversing COVID Learning Loss

The pandemic disrupted lives all over the world. Children were especially impacted, with many being forced to stay home and learn remotely for months on end.

Now teachers and parents are forced to cope with the consequences.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, test scores in both reading and math were declining. Closed schools and hybrid learning models exacerbated the problem .. and caused what is now called COVID learning loss.

Recently on the FOX News Rundown, FOX News’ Dana Perino spoke with Mary Cantwell and Brooke Ooten, the co-founders of EnrichedNYC, a literacy education program for children in nursery through twelfth grade. Launched in 2020, Enriched was created to help students overcome the unprecedented academic disruptions of the pandemic.

Mary and Brooke discussed with Dana Perino why so many American children are falling behind, and why the consequences of that are so severe. They also explained how Enriched is trying to reverse this troubling trend.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversations in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear Dana Perino’s entire conversation with Enriched cofounders Mary Cantwell and Brooke Ooten and hear more about America’s education crisis and what is being done to help children all over the country.