Rep Fallon: We Don’t Need 87K New IRS Agents, We Need More Border Agents

Texas Congressman Pat Fallon joined guest-host and fellow Texan Paul Gleiser on Fox Across America to emphasize how bad things are at the southern border. Rep Fallon criticizes Democrats priorities saying they are more focused on hiring more IRS agents instead of acknowledging and solving the problems at the border.

“The Democratic Party doesn’t want to put America first, and they don’t want to do what’s in America’s best interest. They just want to appeal to these left wing ideologues that are literally for open borders. So some quick stats to give perspective. In April, we had 234,000 illegal border crossings. That was 1258% worse than the last April. President Trump was in office two years ago. In May, the worst month on record just eclipsed April because there was nearly 240,000 illegal crossers. It was 930% worse than two years ago. And then in June and July hovered right at the 200,000 mark as well. So and then you have the known got aways. That’s when the Border Patrol is so exhausted. They don’t have the resources to. They see people crossing the border. Half mile away. They log it but can’t even encounter them. Right. That’s about 70-80,000 a month. Under Joe Biden, there’s been nearly 4 million people. Actually, it’s over 4 million now with July numbers that have entered the country illegally in the last year and a half.”

To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!