Backlash Over IRS Job Posting

The IRS is getting some serious backlash after folks got a hold of their new job posting.

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out what is causing such an uproar, next.

Congress prepares to pass a new tax and spend bill deceptively labeled the “inflation reduction act” and part of that bogus legislation includes a massive investment in the IRS.

Of all the things the struggling American people need right now, I don’t it’s 87,000 MORE IRS agents.

But if that wasn’t triggering enough, wait there’s more!

In an online job posting from the agency, one of the key duties and requirements listed for special agents is willingness to use deadly force if necessary.

And oh boy did the internet freak out over that! So much so that the posting was briefly taken down before reappearing on the site.

Now the IRS job carries the same requirement as other law enforcement agencies such as the FBI but given all the recent controversy surrounding our government agencies, it’s no wonder folks were startled by it!

$80 billion dollars for the IRS? NO thank you!

The last thing we need to build is the size of government!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at