Trump Fundraising Bonanza After Raid!

If the Left thought the raid on Mar-A-Lago would end Trump’s political career, they were oh so wrong.

In fact, thanks to the hit job, Trump is shattering fundraising records.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The MAGA crowd is reinvigorated and more fired up than ever and they are putting their money where their mouths are.

According to Eric Trump, the morning after the raid the Donald J Trump website experienced a massive influx of donations, raising more in 24 hours than ever before in recent history!

From April to June, the former president’s committees raised about $18 million bucks, and though that’s an impressive total it was actually down from the 3 months prior.

Well, that’s all changing now! As Eric Trump correctly noted, the American people are ticked off and if there’s one thing I know about the MAGA Movement, its members are resilient, riled up and ready for a fight.

You don’t see that kind of enthusiasm for Joe Biden- never have and never will- and for good reason.

“Build back better” is not only a lie, its movement is nonexistent and I’ve never seen anyone with that slogan on a hat!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at