Yale Med School Professor Blames White Supremacy for Biden Working While Sick

A Yale medical school professor tweets- and then deletes- an absurd comment saying Biden working while sick with COVID “epitomizes white supremacy.”

Do these people even know what white supremacy is?!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Dr. Kimberly Sue of Yale Medical School is very triggered by President Biden working while sick with COVID, according to her it not only sets a bad example but “epitomizes white supremacy urgency in the workplace.”

She deleted the tweet, and for good reason. It’s ridiculous!

First of all, I find it highly unlikely the President is actually putting in 8-hour days while he has COVID since he doesn’t seem to put in 2 hours days without COVID!

But secondly, how our president running the country while experiencing only mild symptoms equates to white supremacy is beyond me.

Do these Liberals even understand the definition of white supremacy, because it doesn’t seem like it!

Why does everything have to be about race? What difference does that make?

There is plenty to criticize President Biden for but working while mildly sick isn’t one of them, Dr. Sue!

If Biden wants to put in some hours, we should all let him! Plus, we don’t want Kamala picking up the slack…

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at Foxnewscommentary.com