Our Complete, Unedited Conversation with Blake Masters

Most pollsters and political analysts are predicting Republicans are set to retake the majority in the House of Representatives come November. The U.S. Senate is a different story and is expected to be a much more competitive fight between the parties. Countless states are labeled toss-ups; however many believe the GOP has pickup opportunities in Georgia, New Hampshire, and Arizona, where a closely contested primary will take place on August 2nd.

Venture capitalist and Trump-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate in Arizona, Blake Masters, has surged recently in the polls, and he joined host Jessica Rosenthal earlier this week on the Rundown.

Masters discussed the case against the Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly, how he plans to win over moderates, and his plan for regulating Big Tech.

The current frontrunner was also asked about some of his past comments and his ties to billionaire Peter Thiel.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversation in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire interview with Senate candidate Blake Masters.