San Diego Schools Mask Up, AGAIN!!

San Diego Unified School District is reinstating its mask mandate for students and staff.

The Left will never allow us to return to the old normal!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

California Liberals have an affinity for masks and mask mandates. The decorative cloth variety is next to useless, but that didn’t stop San Diego Unified School District from reinstating its indoor mask mandate for students and staff until at least the end of summer school.

COVID has reached the CDC’s “high” transmission level, which prompted this re-masking decision.

Still, young healthy people are at the lowest risk for COVID, so why force them to mask up YET AGAIN while trying to learn and interact?

Furthermore, at this point and for most people, COVID is little more than a glorified cold. Are we really going to have certain bureaucrats- elected and unelected- holding mask mandates over our heads for the rest of time?

It’s time to move on. If you want to wear a mask, fine, but don’t force school children to hide behind a face diaper strapped ear to ear.

Leave the kids be!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at