Bye Bye, Dr. Fauci

Dr. Fauci is finally announcing his retirement, at the end of Biden’s term.

Convenient timing!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

After 5 decades-and some would argue a few decades too long- Dr. Fauci is set to retire as the chief medical officer to the president, but not till the end of Biden’s term.

He’s served under 7 different presidential administrations but most Americans were unfamiliar with him until 2020 and the COVID pandemic when his word was essentially the “end all be all” of science and his guidance dictated how Americans literally lived, breathed and made a living, or didn’t- as was the case for many.

Fauci also seems to enjoy the limelight a little more than your traditional doctor or scientist, for months on end we’d see his face plastered across every TV screen.

His position isn’t supposed to be partisan or political in nature, but as weeks of flattening the curve turned to months and now years, Fauci became more and more divisive and controversial.

I wonder why he’d choose the end of Biden’s term to retire? Perhaps Fauci also knows Biden is done in 2024 and doesn’t want the next Republican president to fire him!

Personally, I say don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Anthony!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you can listen to all of my hot takes at