Senator Tom Cotton: Relationships With Our Partners In The Middle East Are Somewhat Frayed Because of Barack Obama & Joe Biden Embracing Iran

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), spoke to Brian Kilmeade about President Biden’s push for a revised nuclear deal with Iran. Cotton says this is another example in a long line of appeasement and conciliation of Iran and the deal is even worse now than it was in 2015. Cotton believes our relationship with some of our partners in the Middle East are somewhat frayed because of what Barack Obama and Joe Biden have done to embrace Iran over the last decade while turning their back on our traditional partners and allies in the Middle East. When asked about running for President, Cotton says he is flattered when asked but is focusing on republicans taking back the House and Senate in the fall. Cotton also discussed some of the key races republicans have a great chance of winning in November but he also believes there is a good chance of pulling off an upset in Washington State with Republican Tiffany Smiley, in her race against Patty Murray.