Dr. Nicole Saphier: AOC Is Spreading False Information About Ectopic Pregnancies

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to push back on claims New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted about women with ectopic pregnancies not being able to seek treatment in certain states due to the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion.

“For anyone who knows what an ectopic pregnancy is, that’s when you have a fertilized egg that adheres outside of the uterus. So, first of all, that is a non-viable pregnancy. That pregnancy will never be able to go to term because a fetus can’t grow outside of the uterus. What does happen is, it can be life threatening to the mom and actually life threatening nearly 100 percent of the time if the pregnancy continues on its own. So it has to be terminated. But that is a known medical problem. And there are medications to give when that is identified, because if that ruptures, the mother will die. And in all 50 states, they say if it is a life or death situation for the mother, their access to treatment will go on. So for her to say that they’re not going to get it is false. And I will be the first person, if any of the states stand up and say there will no longer be access to treatment, you will hear me. I will start advocating against that because that would be wrong. But that is not what’s happening right now. All states are saying if it is life or death for the mother, they will have access to the medical treatments. So for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to say anything else, that is false information.”

Dr. Saphier also tells Jimmy why she does not think another COVID-related shutdown is on the horizon for the U.S. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!