Brit Hume On Speculation Trump Might Announce 2024 Election Run Before Midterms

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Brit Hume, senior political analyst for Fox News Channel joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the internal politics for GOP 2024 hopefuls as Trump weights announcing his candidacy before the midterm elections.

Hume reacted to the speculation by saying,

“Well, I think Trump would like to run, but it’s impossible to tell from what he’s doing, whether he really intends to or not, because, you know, even if he were not, he would want to be the center of attention because he always wants to be the center of attention and will be and would want to be the center of attention if he doesn’t run, because that’s how Trump is. So he doesn’t give us many really good clues by his actions, his preoccupation, continuing preoccupation with what happened in or what he claims happened in 2020, I think is is a very weak issue to try to mount a further campaign on.”