Bill Barr On How Soros Backed Progressive District Attorneys Get Elected

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

Bill Barr, Former U.S. Attorney General, Author Of “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General” joined the Guy Benson Show to react to the defeat of California District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s recall election.

Barr detailed how these progressive D.A’s rise into power by saying,

“Let’s make no mistake how these people came into power, by the way. They can’t you know, they weren’t really elected to power to office in the in the principal election. What happened was Soros would find jurisdictions where the Democratic primary determined who the ultimate winner would be because it’s a one party type jurisdiction. And so with just a few hundred votes or a few thousand votes, they can go in with a few million dollars from Soros, win the primary as the Democratic nominee. And then they’re in an Election Day. They just you know, everyone marches to the to the to the poll and pulls the Democratic ballot down ballot. And that’s how they’ve become days. And now it was predictable once they started their reform, which means letting violent people back out on the street.”