Bill Melugin: U.S. Does Not Have Operational Control Of The Southern Border

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Bill Melugin, FOX News National correspondent joined the Guy Benson Show to report on the worsening influx of illegal immigrants at the U.S. Mexico southern border.

Melugin reported on the worsening border crisis by saying,

“As I’m talking to you right now, we just had another group come walking across the river, and I got a group of illegal immigrants walking about six feet away from me right now. And there’s one single Border Patrol agent here to process them. So it’s an issue. They don’t have the resources for this. And it all happens at a time when, you know, Secretary Mayorkas is telling Congress they have, quote, operational control of the border. I can tell you they do not. And all he has to do is come down here and take a look at it himself.”