Alex Hogan: The Importance Of Bringing Attention To The Stories Of Everyday Ukrainians

Fox News Foreign Correspondent Alex Hogan joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to detail her experience covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“You can’t interview someone and then immediately the second the camera goes off, just walk away. I mean, as a human, technically you could, but you’d have to be pretty cold to do that. And also, you’re not going to be able to tell someone’s story to the same depth and do it as much justice if you don’t get more of a background. So I would usually sit with someone before interviewing them on camera, get to hear their story a little bit, ask them, ‘Is it okay if we share this on TV?’, get their story, and then just sit with them for a little bit. And often, that would be conversations where they just needed someone to cry to or they needed someone to listen and someone who wasn’t entrenched in it themselves and get to ration with me and ask, ‘Can you imagine that this is really taking place?’. And that’s all people want at the end of the day is to be able to talk to someone.”

To hear what else she had to say, listen to the podcast!