Dr. Mehmet Oz On The Entire Country Not Trusting Doctors Because Of Dr. Fauci And Others Who Don’t Take Care Of Patients Normally

Dr. Mehmet Oz (R-Pa), U.S. Senate Candidate, spoke to Brian Kilmeade about Dr. Fauci contradicting himself that the pandemic is over. Oz said there is no end to the controlling desire of Fauci and other unelected mid-level bureaucrats who are suffocating medicine. Dr. Oz believes we have literally moved the entire country away from trusting doctors and made it all about Dr. Fauci and others in the public health sphere who don’t take care of patients normally. Dr. Oz also discussed the Axios report that everyone attending the Washington Correspondents Dinner must be tested and prove they are vaccinated, except the members of the Washington Hilton’s hospitality workers union. Oz says Covid testing has turned into political theater and virtue signaling because they don’t care about Covid safety. Oz is also concerned about the neuroses have we inflicted on people to make them believe that you’re in so much danger, it has led to a generation thinking they are going to die if another human being comes close to them.

Plus, Dr Oz on how the Biden administration’s policies, especially on the border, are helping to build back better the Republican Party.