Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ): Democrats Really Want This Border To Be Open, They Hate This Country

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to discuss the idea that the Biden administration planned to repeal Title 42 solely because it was a Trump policy.

I believe this is deliberate. They campaigned on an open border. Everybody forgets that. They actually campaigned on an open border. They campaigned on getting rid of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They campaigned on that. Everybody, and Democrats, even Pete Buttigieg was able to raise his hand up and say, yeah, I want to do that. But here’s the bottom line. It is, it is a fool’s errand because we are now being overrun so greatly, you know, and Title 42 was a Trump-era program. And it’s a solid program. And it’s what’s saving us right now from even more, being overrun even more. But they don’t care. They don’t care because this is purposeful. This is purposeful. So when you say, you know, even just because it’s Donald Trump, maybe that’s for some of them. But the real thing is -they really want this border to be open. They hate this country. I really believe that. They don’t like us to have a national sovereignty. And that may sound harsh, but if you cared, you would look at it and say, it’s not working. Not working. Uh, let’s try something else.

Rep. Biggs also shares what kind of leadership he wants to see from the next Speaker of the House when Republicans take it back.