A Border State Republican On Title 42, Security And Solutions

Last month the U.S. saw its highest monthly total border crossings in twenty years, with border authorities apprehending 210,000 migrants. Increased border activity comes on the heels of the Biden administration announcing that pandemic-era border policy Title 42 will end May 23rd. The White House’s plan to scrap the public health measure even has many Democrats upset.

Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-TX) represents a district containing 42 percent of the U.S.-Mexico border. He joined host Jessica Rosenthal earlier this week to discuss Title 42 and his view that recent reports about terror threats crossing the border should unite the parties.

The Texas Republican also discussed what middle ground his party can find with Democrats when it comes to immigration reform and how the U.S. can provide economic opportunity to migrants with more work visas.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversation in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear the entire discussion with Congressman Tony Gonzales and hear more of his perspective on the security threat at the border and how best to allow migrants to come here legally and help our country’s labor shortage problem