Sen. Gillibrand: Time To Create A National Academy For Cyber Defense

On Wednesday, the FBI disclosed that it had disrupted a Russian cyberattack, which could have posed a major threat to U.S. intelligence and digital infrastructure. This move comes amid the Biden administration placing harsher economic sanctions on Moscow including individual sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s daughters. With American cyber defense even more crucial to homeland security, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has long been advocating for the creation of a national academy for cyber defense akin to West Point and she says the time to act on this is now. Gillibrand joins to break down how training young Americans in cyber defense will bolster national security, how the U.S. can craft even more painful sanctions for Russia and the instability of the conflict in Ukraine.

The U.S. Department of Education is expected to soon complete its comprehensive review of Title IX regulations, which have been a major topic of discussion lately regarding transgender athletes. This review of Title IX will reportedly expand the rule to assert the rights of transgender students as well as rewriting procedures for schools adjudicating allegations of sexual assault. Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos joins to discuss her new book, Hostages No More and she explains why she believes these reported changes to Title IX would negatively impact women’s sports.  She also discusses concerns that Title IX rewrites would take due process away from sexual assault adjudications at public education institutions and adds her thoughts on the latest education bill out of Florida.

Plus, commentary by radio show host, Jason Rantz.