Rep. Kat Cammack: We Need More Blue-Collar, Everyday Americans In Congress

Florida Republican Congresswoman Kat Cammack joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to talk about a new leadership political action committee she is launching in an effort to get more blue-collar conservatives elected to the House.

The “American Grit” PAC is going to identify, fund and help mentor conservative candidates who do not have traditional political backgrounds, such as moms, vocational workers and first responders. Rep. Cammack explains how the GOP has become the party of the working class.

“These are the people that are impacted most by big government. We’re the ones that are actually filling up our own gas tanks. If you are in government for the last 40 years, like Biden or Pelosi, you haven’t filled up your own gas tank in decades. It’s really easy to talk about these policies from the safety and comfort of armored vehicles, but when you actually are out there picking up groceries, trying to get your kids to school and participate in after school sports, make ends meet, if you’re heaven forbid on a fixed income, you’re really getting squeezed. People have just lost faith in the big government ideals that the Democrats have, and that’s where conservatives have come in and said, listen, we are you and we are going to put policies in place that empower you, that make life better for you by getting government out of your way. It really is that simple.”

Later, Fox News contributor Johnny Joey Jones stops by and shares his thoughts on the media’s lack of coverage about the Hunter Biden laptop story in the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

To hear what else Rep. Cammack and Johnny Joey had to say, listen to the podcast!