Tim Tebow’s Mission To Help Those In Ukraine

Russia’s military assault on Ukraine has created the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. While millions of Ukrainians are displaced as they flee to areas of safety., others aren’t as fortunate as horror stories of Ukrainian civilians trapped, traumatized, and killed emerge.

Despite the danger, some feel a calling to help those faced with a crisis.

Earlier this week, former NFL quarterback and minor-league baseball player Tim Tebow joined host Chris Foster on the Rundown to discuss how his foundation and their partners are aiding Ukrainians. He detailed the kind of dangerous work being done in the warzone and how he is trying to help here.

Tebow also discusses his faith, why he has devoted so much of his life to charity, and his new book, Mission Possible: Go Create a Life That Counts.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the interview in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire conversations with Tim Tebow and get the chance to learn even more about his passion for helping others and why believes charity work can help anyone find fulfillment in their lives.