From Washington: COVID’s Two-Year Anniversary

On March 11th 2020, the World Health Organization classified the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a pandemic. Soon after this declaration, major cities promptly shut down, forcing people across the world to adjust to living with the virus.  In the two years since the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world, masks, shutdowns, and vaccine mandates have cemented themselves into everyday life.  Dr. Syra Madad joins Jared to discuss how decisions involving mandates and restrictions are being made, future precautions we must take, and how close we are to reaching an end to the pandemic.

The 2022 primary season has officially begun, and a select few primary races will determine which party takes control of the United States Senate.  Recent FOX News Power Rankings has categorized five senate contests as toss-ups, including Pennsylvania’s seat due to the retirement of Pat Toomey.  Dr. Mehmet Oz and businessman David McCormick are running against one another on the Republican side.  Both candidates joined The FOX News Rundown earlier this week as part of a series of candidate interviews The Rundown will bring you as primary season progresses.