Senator Tim Scott: Democrats Want Us To Believe What They’re Saying, Not What We’re Seeing At The Pump

South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain how the Biden administration’s policies, not Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are to blame for the record inflation rate and soaring gas prices people throughout the country are experiencing right now.

“There’s nothing breaking about nearly eight percent inflation because it was not caused by the Russian invasion that happened less than two weeks ago. What we do know, though, is December 2020, less than 18 months ago, prices at the pump in South Carolina was a dollar 99. And before we even knew of a Russian invasion, it was around three dollars and 40 cents. 60 percent increase before we’ve had the conversation about Russia. Well, the American people are smarter than the Democrats give us credit for being. The Democrats literally want us to believe what they’re saying and not what we are seeing at the pump, putting $70 of gas into a vehicle. I’ve heard too many of my friends and constituents around South Carolina talk about that crisis, means that they’re rationing between their medicine, their gas and their food. It ought not be. But this is a reality when inflation hit a 40 year high and then goes higher.”

Plus, Senator Scott details the true motivation behind President Biden’s reversal on funding the police.

Later, publisher of The Federalist Ben Domenech stops by to discuss the Biden administration’s green energy push. He and Jimmy also rebut the false narratives being peddled by Democrats, the media and certain corporations about Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill.

To hear what else Senator Scott and Ben had to say, listen to the podcast!