General Keith Kellogg: Putin Is Preparing To Call Biden’s Bluff

Retired Army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why Russian President Vladimir Putin has felt emboldened to take military action in Ukraine.

During an address to the nation on Tuesday, President Biden announced he is imposing new sanctions on Russia. The move is in response to their government officially recognizing two territories in eastern Ukraine as independent states. General Kellogg says Putin does not fear the current leadership in Washington.

“I’ve always said my biggest concern about Putin is he doesn’t understand the West. And what I mean by that is even when he was a KGB officer, he only went into East Germany one time on one tour. So he’s a little bit short sighted there on one what he sees the West doing. But at the same time, he doesn’t care. He’s operating from strength. And very candidly, he sees a very, very weak President of the United States that was there during 2014 as the Vice President. He saw his actions, what he did as Vice President to include what happened to Osama bin Laden. And then he sees what’s happening today. So when you go back to 2014, it’s not only his actions, it’s the actions that he saw that were generated from the administration, which happened to be Obama and Joe Biden. So he’s empowered by that. For good or ill, right or wrong, that’s the way this guy thinks.”

Later, Kentucky Republican Congressman James Comer talks about why it is unfathomable that certain school districts still require children to wear masks in the classroom. Plus, former Utah Congressman and Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz stops by to share his thoughts on the infighting happening in the Democratic Party right now. He and Jimmy also preview President Biden’s first State of the Union Address.

Listen to the podcast to hear what else General Kellogg, Rep. Comer and Jason all had to say!