Byron York On Biden’s Approval Rating Sinking To New Lows As Midterms Approach

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Byron York, Chief political correspondent, Washington Examiner, Fox News contributor joined the Guy Benson Show to react to a new string of polling that shows President Biden’s approval rating among Americans slipping as the midterms approach.

York broke down what Biden’s bad polling means for Democrats midterm chances saying,

“If you look at Gallup, Gallup did a study a while back that going back all the way to the 1940s, if you look at Gallup for presidents whose job approval rating is above 50 percent, the UM, the average loss of seats is 14 seats. Presidents whose job approval rating is below 50 percent average loss of seats is 37 seats. And I’ll give you one last thing. Another analyst named Nathan Gonzales went through midterms, going all the way back to Harry Truman and said No president, not one has substantially increased, raised his job approval rating between February of his midterm year and the actual election.”