Rep. Andy Biggs: Durham’s Findings Reveal There Was An Attempted Coup To Remove Donald Trump From Office

Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to weigh in on Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.

According to a recent filing released by Durham, lawyers from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign reportedly paid a technology company to infiltrate servers belonging to Trump Tower and the White House. Rep. Biggs believes this was all part of an orchestrated effort by former President Donald Trump’s political enemies to force him out of office.

“They started off with the Russian hoax well before the election, and then Trump wins and now Hillary Clinton says, well it was the Russians that stole it. Now you’ve got to put that together. They were planting the evidence. While they planting the evidence you’ve got people like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, even though their guy Mueller said this didn’t happen, there was no relationship, there was nothing going on here, and they go after Carter Page and fabricated evidence against him. You’ve got three indictments of guys who basically fabricated evidence, and now you’re seeing a whole stream of it. It wasn’t just on the campaign. This wasn’t really opposition research. This was an attempt to create a crime that would warrant the removal of Donald Trump from office.

Rep. Biggs also weighs in on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke emergency powers in an effort to quell the protests against COVID restrictions happening throughout his country.

Plus, North Carolina Republican Congressman Greg Murphy explains why the Biden administration has been reluctant to address the fentanyl crisis plaguing the U.S. Later, Fox News contributor and Professor of Business and Economics at The King’s College in New York City Brian Brenberg reacts to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s comment about the reasons the U.S. is dealing with record-setting inflation.

Listen to the podcast to hear what else Rep. Murphy, Rep. Biggs and Brian all had to say!