Sen. Hagerty On Trump’s Threats To Oust McConnell As Minority Leader: I Don’t See Any Movement To Change His Status or Unseat Him

Earlier today Guy Benson spoke to U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty, Republican from Tennessee about a variety of topics including the Olympics, China, masking in schools, The Snoop Act & the state of the Republican party.

As for Trump attacking Mitch McConnell Hagerty said the following:

“I’ve had a longstanding friendship with President Trump and President Trump says what’s on his mind, that’s one of the things that’s refreshing about him. I think that’s why the American public found him such a, you know, such such an interesting and different candidate when he ran. He’s going to he’s going to say his mind, speak his mind. And I don’t expect that to change at any point in time. With respect to Mitch McConnell’s standing here in the conference it’s the same as it was yesterday and the day before. I don’t see any change underway or any movement underway, just as you said, Guy, to to to to change his status or to unseat him. And I think that as a conference, what we need to be doing is focusing on the failures of the Biden administration and make the contrast as clear as we possibly can”

Listen Below: