FOX News Rundown EXTRA: Brian Kilmeade Hopes To Unite America

Brian Kilmeade is a busy guy.

He is the co-host of “FOX & Friends” and the host of his own national radio show, “The Brian Kilmeade Show.”
The FOX News star is also a New York Times best-selling author and has still found the time to create eight seasons of his FOX Nation series, “What Made America Great.”

Now, he will be hosting his own weekend show on FOX News.

Earlier this week, Brian Kilmeade joined host Dave Anthony to discuss the launch of “One Nation,” which debuts tonight on the FOX News Channel.

Kilmeade explained why this show would be different than what people are used to seeing on cable news and why he hopes to unite people instead of dividing them.

He also discussed his latest season of “What Made America Great,” which focuses on the history of Ellis Island and President Teddy Roosevelt.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the interview in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire conversation with Brian Kilmeade and hear more about his new show and the importance of understanding our country’s complex history.