Dr. Marty Makary: We Have Covered The Faces Of Children For Two Years With Really No Data To Support Cloth Masks

Listen To The Full Interview Below:

Dr. Marty Makary, Fox ?News Contributor, Surgeon and A Professor Of Health Policy At The Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health to discuss his role advising Virginia Governor Glenn Youngin on covid and the ongoing battle over masking kids at school.

Dr. Makary said,

“Well, it turns out that the data are now pretty clear that the cloth masks are really not doing much in terms of reducing transmission. And by the way, we have an acknowledgment now that everybody will get omicron. It’s just so it’s that ubiquitous that it’s it’s basically almost unavoidable. Now that’s not saying people should resign themselves to it. It’s good to use good public health hygiene. But we have covered the faces of children for two years with really no data to support the cloth masks. And many of us were saying, Hey, look at the particle size of an aerosolized virus. With COVID, it’s about three to five microns and look at the poor size of the cloth masks. It’s 10 to 20 microns. And so we’ve always said the quality of the mask matters.”