FOX News Rundown EXTRA: Ainsley Earhardt Talks Faith & Friends
2021 was yet another tough year. And for many like Ainsley Earhardt, faith was key to navigating through its challenges and having hope for better years ahead.
Recently on the Fox News Rundown, the co-host of FOX & Friends joined host Lisa Brady to discuss her faith journey, how she has long relied on it throughout her life, and why she thinks everyone should remain optimistic despite these challenging times.
Ainsley Earhardt also discussed her FOX Nation show, “Ainsley’s Bible Study” and why she loves chatting about religion with friends, celebrities, and her FOX News colleagues.
Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the interview in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire conversation with FOX & Friends’ Ainsley Earhardt and be able to enjoy even more of her candidness and stories from her past.