Omicron Spreading Mild Cases, So Why Are Tests In Short Supply?

The Omicron variant has driven a recent spike in cases of COVID-19, with case numbers in the U.S. rising to their highest level since January. As the new variant surpasses Delta for the majority of cases, holiday gatherings, travel plans and schools are placed once more in a precarious position. Professor of Surgery and Health Policy at John Hopkins and Fox News Medical Contributor, Dr. Marty Makary joins to discuss how the Omicron variant is impacting Americans during the holiday season.

Rising crime in many cities has been a big issue all year. Politicians and media pundits spent the year arguing over what was driving the problem and how it could be resolved. There was debate over defunding the police, reforming the criminal justice system, and other strategies to make our cities safer. But not much progress was made. Back in the summer, Tio Hardiman, the Executive Director of Violence Interrupters, joined the Rundown to discuss America’s growing crime problem and explained why he felt it was time for community members like himself to take action. Today, we look back at our talk with Tio Hardiman from July 15th where he described how his organization works to de-escalate violence in Chicago, why he was against defunding police departments and why the country needs to rethink its approach to preventing crime.

Plus, commentary by syndicated columnist Cal Thomas.