Omicron Spreads Global Fear. Is It Too Soon To Panic?

The emergence of the coronavirus variant Omicron has the world worried. The United States and other nations were quick to halt travel from South Africa and other countries where it has been discovered. International markets also fell Friday, as fear spread. With Americans returning home from their long Thanksgiving weekends, there is concern America can see a significant surge this holiday season. Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University, discusses what is known and not known about the Omicron strain, how viruses mutate, and what can be done worldwide to address new variants.

Like the millions of American families and businesses hit hard by the pandemic and the economic fallout, COVID has also impacted charities across the U.S.. They too are forced to cope with supply chain issues, inflation, and staff shortages. Despite those challenges, Feeding America and its network of food pantries have continued to help people in need. President and Chief Operating Officer of Feeding America Katie Fitzgerald joins to discuss food insecurity in America and the how inflation and supply chain issues are impacting them.

Plus, commentary from FOX News Contributor Joe Concha.

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